Бульвар Эркиндик
Бульвар Эркиндик

Erkindik Boulevard is located in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan. The boulevard was named after the Independence Day of Kyrgyzstan, which is celebrated in the country on August 31 and translates as "Erkindik", which means "independence" in the Kyrgyz language. The boulevard starts from Ala-Too Square, which is the central square of the city, and stretches for 2.8 kilometers in the direction of the south. There are many cafes, restaurants, shops, banks and other infrastructure facilities on the boulevard. One of the main attractions of Erkindik Boulevard is the monument to Manas, the legendary hero and founder of the Kyrgyz nation. The monument was erected in 2011 and has become one of the symbols of the city. There are also parks and squares on the boulevard, where you can relax and enjoy green spaces and fresh air. Various cultural events, such as concerts, exhibitions and festivals, are often held on the territory of the boulevard.

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